Archive for April, 2020

I’m back… as Sire Johhny Deep!!!

Hi guys… Wow, I was able to log in to this blog.. After I left it (my last post was 2nd April 2010) for almost 10 years!!

And I still stated that this blog is not officially official… Unofficial la gitu.. There will be mixed of writing.. Kekadang omputih… Kekadang melayu.. Sesekati la kan..

#covic19 semua lockdown…

Seperti semua maklum.. Pandemic yang melanda satu dunia menyebabkan langkah – langkah diambil untuk menyetop (hahahahaha ada ke word tuh) daripada merebak tersebar luas. Sudah 2 minggu kita kena lockdown so lagi 2 minggu to go.. So guys, #stayathome and #staysafe take care.