Archive for August 18th, 2009

skpz amira izzati

skpz amira izzati, originally uploaded by Kulop Ludin.

skpz sedang dalam mode periksa nie…..
jadinya aku perhatikan bebudak tahun enam udah mula siyes!!
benar2 siyes….. muncung dema dah nak sampai ke meja…bila menjawab soalan2 yang disediarapi oleh guru2 berpengalaman skpz…
di bawah nie ada lagi wajah2 siyes mereka!!

skpz pre pksr

skpz pre pksr (2)

skpz pre pksr (3)

dan tak ketinggalan wajah2 yang tak siyes….hepi manjang!!

skpz pre pksr 4

semoga kome semua selamat berjaya…..

Real otai

Real otai, originally uploaded by mr-wan.

gambar nie memang menarik sebabnya subject pilihan adalah unik….
hebat photographer yang banyak promot teluk intan!!

Negara perlu rangka pelan darurat H1N1

Sila baca artikel bertajuk “Negara perlu rangka pelan darurat H1N1”,
di alamat

The lies and irony relating to H1N1 in Malaysia

Shock horror, an airborne disease.

A few people have died, and almost every single one of those people has been in the high risk catagory – the sort of people who are suffering a terminal illness, have immunity problems or are post-operation, the sort of people that can be easily killed by flu, pneumonia, dengue, measles or even the common cold in their weakened state.

And yet every day the newspaper blares out the dangers of Swine flu, the risks, the number of “new cases” (note parenthesis due to lack of actual evidence).

Every day I see people wearing masks, wandering around with a flimsy paper layer – like it would actually make any difference whatsoever.

But lets have a look at the facts. In the UK alone regular Influenza kills around 20000 people each year (and that’s just in one country with a population of around 60 million). Worldwide Swine Flu has killed (or should I say assisted in the deaths of) about 500 people in the space of that same year.

What’s the biggest danger?

Do you know for example that 10s of thousands of children are affected by AIDS in Malaysia? They are affected either through infection, or through the deaths of family members. Where are the nationwide media campaigns to inform the public in the kampungs about the dangers of HIV and AIDS? An actual killer disease, whose transmission is preventable through actually proven methods. Where is it? Oh, the occasional poster that says if women get AIDS it’s their own fault for dressing sexy or wearing lipstick?

Where is the nationwide panic and alarm about a real and genuine threat to thousands of Malaysians? Where is it? Oh, it’s not there because AIDS is a culturally unacceptable disease, because the majority of AIDS and HIV high risk areas are Muslim populated areas, so the newspapers aren’t allowed to suggest that people there fornicate outside of marriage, or comit “unnatural” homosexual acts, or inject drugs with dirty needles. And yet there are thousands of people who aren’t aware of the real and genuine threat to their health.

If Malaysians care so much about their wellbeing then where are the campaigns to eradicate bad driving? Where are the government drives to remove and imprison the men who issue licenses only to those that bribe? Where is the concerted effort to educate and punish traffic offenders who kill people on the roads every day. Where are the statistics that show the amount of deaths on the road, compared to the amount of H1N1 deaths? Where are they? Why are they not there? Because H1N1 would pale into absolute insignificance when charted next to deaths from AIDS, Road related deaths, Mosquito borne diseases, Smoking related deaths, Alcohol related deaths, motorcyclists driving without helmets, or any number of other causes of death.

I think even a cursory glance at the statistics would show more people have been killed by their TVs, irons, showers and even their toasters than have been killed by H1N1. Perhaps we need a nationwide ban on showers, because people die from slipping over. Perhaps the government should issue mandatory non-slip showermats to every home.

How many healthy, able bodies normal healthy adults have been struck down and killed by Swine Flu? Tell me that thousands of people in the prime of their life are going to simply drop dead at the drop of a hat and then, maybe, I will start to get concerned. The threat of AIDS is a real and genuine threat, that kills adults and children alike, kills them stone dead and no mistake. But H1N1, really, it’s not actually that dangerous, it’s just the Flu, that’s all. I’ve had Flu about 20 times in my life (I come from a cold country and get Flu every winter without fail) am I dead yet? No.

pendapat daripada sumber the star

Hati-hati – Doa hindar H1N1 yg sesat

Dalam kerisauan penularan wabak pandemik H1N1 yang melanda Malaysia dan seluruh dunia mutakhir ini, banyak email yang saya dapat berkenaan doa-doa yang boleh diamalkan untuk menghindarinya. Salah satunya termasuklah seperti yang saya lampirkan.  Mohon pendapat ustaz berkenaan doa tersebut. Adakah boleh kita mengamalkannya? Ada yang menganggap ianya dari syiah. Mohon penjelasan.

Dalam kerisauan penularan wabak pandemik H1N1 yang melanda Malaysia dan seluruh dunia mutakhir ini, banyak email yang saya dapat berkenaan doa-doa yang boleh diamalkan untuk menghindarinya. Salah satunya termasuklah seperti yang saya lampirkan. Mohon pendapat ustaz berkenaan doa tersebut. Adakah boleh kita mengamalkannya? Ada yang menganggap ianya dari syiah. Mohon penjelasan.

Assalamualaikum Ustaz,

Dalam kerisauan penularan wabak pandemik H1N1 yang melanda Malaysia dan seluruh dunia mutakhir ini, banyak email yang saya dapat berkenaan doa-doa yang boleh diamalkan untuk menghindarinya. Salah satunya termasuklah seperti yang saya lampirkan.

Mohon pendapat ustaz berkenaan doa tersebut. Adakah boleh kita mengamalkannya? Ada yang menganggap ianya dari syiah. Mohon penjelasan.

Terima kasih,

Syukor,Kuala Lumpur


Selepas meneliti kandungan risalah yg dilampirkan, saya dapati ada banyak keraguan dari sudut kenyataan, kandungan dan matan doa itu sendiri.

Antaranya adalah seperti berikut :

1. Status Syeikh Ibnu Ahmad At-Tamimi Al-Malizi yang dikatakan Murshid. Tidak pernah saya terbaca dalam mana-mana kitab himpunan ulama’-ulama’ tanahair ada ulama yang dikenali dengan nama tersebut.

2. Di bawah risalah tersebut dinyatakan, disediakan oleh ustaz Thalut @ Muhammad Adeeb Sakiran, Bahagaian Dakwah Bebas JAIS, kategori D1, D2 & D3, beserta no rujukan fail dan no HP.

Untuk pengetahuan tuan, ada banyak keraguan di sini :

i. Tidak wujud pegawai dengan nama tersebut bertugas di Bahagian Dakwah JAIS.

ii. Tidak wujud yang dinamakan “Bahagian Dakwah Bebas” JAIS

iii. D1, D2, & D3.. setahu saya ia adalah kod bagi kategori kad tauliah mengajar. Jadi, apa kaitan dengan bahagian dakwah JAIS yang dinyatakan.

iv. No HP yang tertera telah cuba dihubungi, tapi tidak diangkat.

3. Matan doa yang di tulis juga mempunyai banyak keraguan.

i. Dari sudut maknanya, ia seolah-olah bukan doa yang dipohon kepada Allah, tetapi tawassul yang dipohon kepada manusia. Ulama bersepakat bahawa haram bertawassul dengan memohon kepada makhluk. Yang dibolehkan adalah tawassul dengan kemuliaan dan keberkatan orang soleh dan hajat tetap dipohon kepada Allah.

ii. Doa tersebut jelas tidak mengandungi perkataan dalam bentuk apa-apa doa, permintaan hajat kepada Allah. Hanya sekadar tawassul kepada 5 orang yg disebutkan dalam matan ayat tersebut.

4. Saya mengandaikan, ini adalah surat berantai yang disebarkan oleh individu tertentu dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa sandaran nas juga tidak warid (bersambung) dari Rasulullah SAW.

Oleh itu, abaikan sahaja dan wajib kita hindari apa2 amalan yg tiada sandaran nas daripada al-Quran dan al-hadith.Sekian.Wallahu a’lam bis sowab.

Ustaz Mohd Farid Mohd Zainal
Naib Ketua Pemuda DPPK Kapar

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